Hi, Lucy! I am so happy to welcome you to my blog for the very first time - I am ashamed to say that I have never read a Viking romance so I have added your latest THE VIKING SHE WOULD HAVE MARRIED to my reading list! Let's get on with the interview, I'm sure my readers are looking forward to meeting you...
1.) What genre do you typically read? Why
Romance of course! I love it. What I read tends to depend on my mood,
but the subgenres I read a lot of are Historical Romance (particularly medieval),
Science Fiction romance (Think Ice Planet Barbarians), and the occasional contemporary
or paranormal romance (Nalini Singh).
I sprinkle my romance reading with the occasional literary fiction, and I also read a lot of historical non-fiction for research purposes.
2.) Share a favourite childhood memory.
I spent three years in Nigeria as a young child. We lived in a horseshoe shaped bungalow, with a walled garden at its centre and a big tarpaulin pop-up pool. I remember the sounds more clearly of our time there, funnily enough. The whirl of the ceiling fans, the patter of sandals on tiles, the torrential storms during the rainy season, the splash of the pool and the laughter of my parent’s parties in the evening after we were put to bed.
Strange that I remember that more than some of the amazing scenery and animals we must have seen!
3.) Do you have any shameless addictions? ie. Tea, Books, Shoes, Clothes?
Loads! I love tea, bread, chocolate and Irn bru. Irn Bru is a big addiction for me (I can’t get enough of the stuff and have to really limit myself…or all my teeth will fall out!) For my 40th birthday this year I even received an Irn Bru cocktail kit from one of my friends. Irn Bru, Cointreau, and Chambord…It was amazing!!!
4.) What do you think is the biggest challenge of writing a new book?
Getting to the end of the first draft. I always start well, the first 15-20k is easy, then you feel like nothing works and you’re stumbling around in the mud. Once I’ve worked through the issues, I slog through until the end, constantly doubting my choices. Then after taking a break from the draft (usually a bare bones of around 50k) I’m ready to really sort out the manuscript and turn it into a ‘proper’ book. Editing the big stuff and then working through chapter by chapter.
5.) Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages a day?
I recently did NaNoWriMo which is where you pledge to write 50k in the month of November. Due to edits on another book, I started it 9 days late, but still managed to do 50k by the end of the month. It was soooo hard and exhausting, but now I’m grateful for the extra time it’s given me to edit so I might have to do this more regularly in future. Saying that NORMALLY I think I’m amazing if I write 1k a day…so 50 in 21 days is pretty unusual.
6.) What are your thoughts on writing a book series?
Funnily enough I’m writing one now. Shield maiden Sisters is a trilogy out in 2022. The first book is out end of May, and follows Valda’s love story with Halfdan, the man who broke her heart as a young woman. Nine years later, they’re stuck together on a voyage to Constantinople, and Halfdan’s determined to win her back.
The books follow the love stories of three Viking sisters, and although
they are linked, each book could be read as a stand-alone. Personally, I love
reading a series, but I prefer the romances to be separate – so you don’t have
to remember too much between each book, and can also read out of order if your
so inclined.
"In close quarters…With the Viking, she’d loved and lost
With her family fallen on hard times, Valda’s forced to join the crew on Halfdan Ulfsson’s merchant ship as he sets sail on the treacherous silk route. But this handsome jarl’s son is the man she’d planned to wed until his bitter betrayal. Knowing she can never trust him, she must focus on saving her sisters…and not the intense connection that still burns between them!
Passion erupts when these bold, spirited Vikings are reunited!"
This is the first book in the Shieldmaiden Sisters trilogy. Following the love and adventures of three Viking sisters Valda, Brynhild and Helga. Each book is a standalone story - but I'd recommend reading them in order for the best enjoyment!
Readers of 'A Nun For The Viking Warrior' will remember Valda as a secondary character that left to seek her own destiny. Some readers were sad to see her leave, but I already had plans for her. She was far too great a character to leave on the sidelines, and she demanded I write an epic romance just for her!
Lucy Morris has always been obsessed with myths and legends. Her books blend sweeping romance with vivid worldbuilding to whisk you away to another time and place filled with adventure. Expect passion, drama and vibrant characters.
Lucy lives in Essex, UK, with her husband, two children, and two cats. She has a massively sweet tooth and loves Terry's Chocolate Oranges and Irn-Bru. In her spare time she likes to explore castles with her family, or drink bubbly with her friends.
Website: https://lucymorrisromance.com/
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