Inspire Me!

This week's Inspire Me! feature is all about one of my favourite, most inspiring women on the planet - Michelle Obama.

I have adored Michelle since the first time I saw her on TV when Barack Obama started his electoral campaign back in 2008. It's hard to fathom just how quickly Barack and Michelle took over our screens, news and interest so quickly and so deeply. Not only was it clear (at least to me) to see the authenticity in their relationship, but also in Michelle.

Her wonderful smile and grace quickly made her a woman to watch and when it became clear her interests lie in the future of young women and girls, I knew I'd found a new inspiring woman to follow. Her speeches and quotes are motivational, empowering and enlightening - all things I endlessly look for.

I just received her autobiography, Becoming, for Christmas and literally can't wait to start reading! I have read SO many positive reviews and look forward to sharing my own review here as soon as possible.

Even though Barak is no longer president, I have a funny feeling Michelle will not disappear from our media or attention any time soon and I cannot wait to see how she uses her wisdom and platform to continue her brilliant work.

Happy Inspiration Day!

Rachel x

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