Guest Author Saturday - Please welcome contemporary romance author Claire Huston!

Hi Claire, it's so great to welcome you to my blog for the first time! I am so looking forward to learning more about you and your latest release ELLE'S A TO Z OF LOVE - I wish you much success with it :) Let's get started with my questions...

1.)              What do you wish you’d known before you started writing?

I’d have liked some warning about all the work that isn’t writing. Once your writing is published, if you want to get your books in front of more readers, a lot of your time will be taken up by promoting your work. It’s part of the job of being a writer that I’m trying to get better at, while struggling not to let it detract from the little time I have to write the next book.

2.)              Is there one subject you’d never write about as an author? What is it?

I find it very hard to read books in which children are harmed or go missing. So I definitely couldn’t write about it. I’d find it too harrowing.

3.)              Are you a plotter or a pantser?

A bit of both. I usually have all the main plot points planned out before starting my first draft. But I don’t like to have every single detail pinned down in advance or there would be no surprises and I’m not sure I’d really want to write the book!

4.)              If you could be the original author for any book, which book would it be? Why?

That’s such a hard question! I’m going to choose my favourite book: Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. It is such a brilliant story which seamlessly blends together romance, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi while also featuring the poetry of John Donne! It’s wonderful and I enjoy reading it every time I pick it up. I like to think writing it was also great fun.

5.)              What are you working on at the moment?

I’m currently editing my third novel, which is another contemporary romance, and plotting and researching my fourth. I’m trying something different with book three by going for dual point of view, splitting the narrative between the hero and heroine’s perspectives. And book four will hopefully be a mash-up between romance and cosy mystery. That is shaping up to be a real challenge plot-wise.

6.)              Do you work on one book at a time? More?

When I’m writing the first draft of a book that will be the only one I’m working on. But when I’m editing I’m also usually starting research and plotting for the next book. I wish I could write two at the same time. Perhaps when both my children are in school full time I’ll be able to.

7.)              Do you have a favourite character in your latest release?

That’s a tough choice. My latest release is Elle’s A to Z of Love, a modern love story about friends, family and what makes a place a home. You might think I’d choose the eponymous heroine of the story, but I’m tempted to go for one of the more unpleasant characters because they’re such fun to write! In the end, I’d choose Zach because he’s such a ray of sunshine, which is nice to spend time with.


Elle’s A to Z of Love

Haileybrook, a beautiful village in the peaceful Cotswolds countryside, is most people’s idea of heaven on earth. 

Born and raised in this small slice of paradise, Elle Bea can’t wait to leave.

It should be easy, but every time she packs her bags for exotic adventures, old loves and loyalties pull her back.

Will Elle be forced to forget her dreams of far-flung places and epic romance, or can she grab one last chance to have it all?

An uplifting, romantic story about friends, family and the relationships that make a place a home.


 Claire Huston lives in Warwickshire, UK, with her husband and two children. She writes uplifting modern love stories about characters who are meant for each other but sometimes need a little help to realise it.

A keen amateur baker, she enjoys making cakes, biscuits and brownies almost as much as eating them. You can find recipes for all the cakes mentioned in her first novel, Art and Soul, at along with over 150 other recipes. This is also where she talks about and reviews books.

Elle’s A to Z of Love, her second novel, was published in July 2021. She plans to publish her third novel, another contemporary romance, in May 2022.

As well as her website, you can find her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Goodreads:


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