Inspire Me!!

It's ONE MONTH to the release of A REBEL OF PENNINGTON'S!! I can't wait for you to read the second instalment in my Pennington's series which continues the theme of female empowerment by touching on women's suffrage and the struggle for the vote.

So, for this week's Inspire Me! I am focusing on British suffragist, Millicent Carter Fawcett.

Millicent was a suffragist who worked tirelessly as a leader of peaceful campaigning as opposed to the militant attempts of the suffragettes. She became president of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) in 1897 and held the position until 1919.

Despite the often written about efforts of the suffragettes, it was the suffragists who retained the most public support through their belief that militant action would only harm the chances of women securing the vote. As well as campaigning for women's suffrage, Millicent was a staunch feminist who backed campaigns against the double-standard of morality towards women's sexual behaviour and also to prevent child marriage and the treatment of prostitutes by the Courts.

A true symbol of the Victorian and Edwardian eras who made waves and changes that many still say women would not have involved themselves in - they did, just not easily. It is these women that I love to inspire the heroines in my novels. The fact a lot of my inspiration comes from real-life events, women and the changes they fought for, means my writing will always be my fundamental passion I can't see ever abating.

Happy Inspiration Day!

Rachel x

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