I've Extended My Author Services!

 This is a post for all the aspiring romance and women's fiction writers who follow me and would love for me to help them make 2023 the year they sign a book contract!

Back in 2019, I opened my First Chapter Critique service to pay forward all the writing help I've received over the 18 years I have been writing. This service has gone on to be more successful than I could have dreamed. Not only have several of my 'students' secured publishing deals, but some have landed multi-book deals and won competitions. 

That's not to say my input was the thing that sealed the deal - not at all. These authors already possessed all the talent and skill they needed to be published, but maybe I gave each of them the nugget of advice they needed to solve the sticky problem they had no idea how to fix. Or my encouragement and positivity about their writing gave them the confidence to take a leap of faith and submit their manuscript to a publisher. Who knows?

Either way, I served them and that is truly all I want to do - serve you! 

Because of these successes, I've decided to expand my services and now critique manuscripts beyond that all-important first chapter up to 100,000 words. Not only that, I am now proofread, too. 

If you'd like to find out more and assess the tiered pricing, here's the link: https://rachelbrimble.com/author-services/

Don't delay! Start taking steps towards your writing dreams today - I'm here to help...

Alternatively, I have a FREE e-workshop that might be perfect for where you are with your writing! If you have the germ of a story idea, but not sure which direction to go with it or you can't seem to pin down your main character, this is the course for you. For two days, an email will be delivered to your inbox giving you all the framework you need to set your story in motion.

What are you waiting for?? https://rachelbrimble.com/5-pillars-workshop/

Happy Writing!

Rachel x

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