IT'S GUEST AUTHOR SATURDAY!! Please welcome today's guest Mary J. Carter...


Hi Mary! So happy to welcome you to my blog today - I am really looking forward to learning more about you and your latest release RULES OF ENGAGEMENT! It sounds fabulous and I wish you lots of sales and success with it - let's kick things off with my questions...

What genre do you typically read? Why?

I’m drawn to non-fiction, particularly history. While I read, I imagine the ‘human interest’ side that could accompany that time and event from the past. This was the case with RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. General Lafayette visited my New Hampshire hometown during his celebrated 1825 tour as America’s Guest. He hadn’t planned on stopping in Claremont. However, the wheel of his carriage became loose, and the townspeople rushed about and prepared a celebration for him. From that tiny spark in history, my tender story grew.

Share a childhood memory

While many recall holiday gatherings and whatnot, I’m going to throw out a memory to chuckle at. I was an only child in a household with one television. Back in those days, holiday specials were shown once a year. I wanted to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas. However, my dad was watching football. I sat on the pantry counter - (better acoustics) - and cried at the top of my lungs. My dad calmly replied, “Lefty,” (his nickname for me) “it’s not working.” Before anyone thinks otherwise, I did grow up in a loving household, even if I was forced to wear horrid Easter hats.

Do you have any shameless addictions? ie. Tea, Books, Shoes, Clothes?

Antiquing and margaritas. The combination can be dangerous.

What do you think is the biggest challenge of writing a new book?

Sticking with it. I’ve got dozens of first chapters, first pages, or a smattering of notes on storylines that flew into my head and out again. I will say that keeping the abandoned material comes in handy for other stories. I’ve got enough dialogue on hand for an abstract movie.

Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages a day?

Because I still work in the ‘outside world’, I have only the early hours for creativity. On weekends, I refashion what I’ve scribbled all week. I used to set goals. But, just as with dieting, a ‘failed day’ was off-putting. I’m guessing I average 700 good words a day. Hmm, that seems low, doesn’t it?

What are your thoughts on writing a book series?

With an ensemble cast, RULES OF ENGAGEMENT has the potential of spawning a series. I’d adore that possibility. My upcoming release NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY is a New England Gothic twist on a Nathanel Hawthorne short story. Nearly every character encounters doom, so little chance there. As a reader, I enjoy series because they keep me connected with well-loved characters.

Rachel, thank you for having me as a guest on your book blog! I appreciate this opportunity to let readers know that although my story is classified as a young person’s novel, it’s a charming, lighthearted escape for readers of all ages.

If the Bennets of Longbourn had relatives living in America, the Jenneys would be that family.

Liberty Fair, a once idyllic New England village, turns itself upside down as it prepares and presents a pageant honoring the last surviving general of the American Revolution. Center stage are the Jenney sisters: the highly dramatic Selena, practical Charlotte, introvert Louisa Jane, and the oh-so-twelve Eliza. Surrounded by friends and foes, parents and quirky townsfolk, they attempt to pull the spectacle through. But will the arrival of a handsome actor-director spell the downfall of Selena’s bond with her best friend Meg? And what about the misunderstood Garrett Pomroy who, in secret, loves them both? What ensues is a battle of first loves, broken hearts, and full-blown theatrics, with a surprising twist to the happily ever after.


Mary’s Bio

Ms. Carter, who finds it fun to speak about herself in third person, began life as an only child insanely devoted to PBS, vintage movies, and classic novels. An early ambition was to be a talking horse friend to Anna Sewell's Black Beauty. Along her formative years, Carter admired Zorro, Beth March, Mary Bailey, Camille, and Princess Diana. For Carter's own imagined marriage, the hands down prince was, and perhaps still is, Robin Ellis as Ross Poldark. Carter remains certain she would have been cast as Scarlett O'Hara, had she been born the proper year. Currently, Carter lives in the town she models her stories and many of her characters after. She hasn't been thrown out yet.

Website: Mary J Carter

 Mary Carter | Facebook

 Mary J Carter (@mjcarterauthor) / Twitter

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