When I Knew It Was My Destiny To Write...

I find it unbelievable that I have been writing for 18 years - not to mention that I am currently working on my 30th novel, have written half a dozen novellas and numerous non-fiction articles. Writing is something that I cannot ever imagine me giving up willingly - it will be up to the gods when that happens.

One question I am often asked is when did I know I wanted (or was meant) to write and the answer is simple - It feels like I've always known, but I decided to do something about it when I was around seven or eight and had just finished reading Enid Blyton's Secret Seven series. I was captivated, enthralled and entirely inspired to immerse myself in the adventures of my own imagination.

I can remember the day I decide to write my first story as though it happened yesterday - how I loved the writing, how I carefully hole-punched those precious sheets of paper and bound them together with ribbon, finishing off my 'book' with a hand-drawn front cover. How I wish I kept my first attempt at being a real-life author!

Of course, life continued in a path pretty much like that of a sheep following others into the fold. I left school at 16, got a job in a bank where I worked for 9 years before I left to have my eldest daughter and then, two years later, I gave birth to my youngest. When she started school full-time in 2005, I had a decision to make - do I find a regular job or confess my deep in my heart dream to my lovely husband and see what he had to say? I will be forever grateful that my wonderful Mr B was happy for me to pursue my writing dream for a year and, if I was published, we'd take things from there.

I wrote every spare minute I had around my commitments to my 6 and 4 year old daughters, the house, my husband and parents. By writing paragraph by paragraph, I eventually had a 70,000 word novel. After MANY rejections, the book was eventually accepted by the Wild Rose Press in December 2016. I was elated!

Since then, I have had at least two books a year published as well as the occasional magazine article and running my First Chapter Critique service. Which is open right now if you are an aspiring writer, by the way! Here's the link to all the details: https://rachelbrimble.com/first-chapter-critique-service/

So, that is my story of the call to be a writer! I'd love to know yours if you are a fellow writer or, if you are reader, tell me why you love learning how writers started out

Rachel x

1 comment

  1. Great post, Rachael. Being a successful author was meant to be. x
