Introducing the heroes and heroines of A Shop Girl In Bath and A Shop Girl Gets The Vote...

Over the next two Wednesdays, I thought I would give you a brief introduction to the eight heroes and heroines of the Pennington's series - if you have read any of the books, you will know that each of the four books in the series can be read stand alone and there are also many secondary characters as well as the protagonists...

Book 1 - A Shop Girl In Bath

Elizabeth Pennington - it was with Elizabeth that the entire series was conceived. This strong woman was trying to make her way in a very male-dominated business world and, not only that, she was determined to take over the reins of Bath's finest department store. Elizabeth is focused, kind, fair and will remain one of my favourite creations ever!

Joseph Carter - Oh, Joseph... a very special man who has known much grief but keen to move with the times which, for him, means accepting the growing popularity of Pennington's and the threat it means to his family's small shop. So, it's a case of leaping into the fray and finding a way to sell his wares as part of the most upcoming store in south west England...

Book 2 - A Shop Girl Gets The Vote

Esther Stanbury - Esther is a woman making her way in the world and one who loves her job as Pennington's head window dresser... she is also heavily involved in the fight for the Vote. As the movement gathers momentum, Esther has to decide whether she will remain a peaceful suffragist or go to the other side and become a militant suffragette - either decision will have an effect on her position at Pennington's...

Lawrence Culford - Lawrence is a widowed father of two young children feeling pressure to remarry and think of his children's stability and future. He is reluctant and afraid to bring another woman into their lives and the possible grief they might be one day be forced to face again. Then he meets Esther, a woman who fascinates him from the moment they meet... is it fate or is Lawrence likely to get himself embroiled in a fight about so much more than family stability?

So, are you tempted to read their stories?? Next week, I will introduce you to the heroes and heroines of Pennington's books 3 & 4 but for now, why not check out books 1 & 2...

A Shop Girl In Bath

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A Shop Girl Gets The Vote

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