Introducing the Pennington's department store series...

The Pennington's series is set in Bath's finest Edwardian department store and it is a period drama filled with a beloved cast of characters as we follow their lives in and out of work.

In book 1, you are introduced to Elizabeth Pennington amid her fight to take her rightful place at the helm of the store, as her father's archaic way of thinking and working become too much to bear at the start of a new forward-thinking era.

It's 1910 and changes are afoot for staff and customers alike - each book can be read as a stand-alone read but many characters feature throughout all three books. If (like me!) you like to read a series in order, here they are:

Book 1 - The Mistress of Pennington's
Book 2 - A Rebel At Pennington's
Book 3 - Christmas At Pennington's

Every story includes a mix of drama, intrigue and romance where readers follow the characters through their obstacles, inner fears and everyday pressures on the path to empowerment and love.

Why not step into Pennington's and discover why the department store is still very much alive today!

Pennington's series link;

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