My Monthly Book Review - Seduction In Death by J D Robb

For anyone who knows me or follows me on social media, it will come as no surprise how much I love and admire J D Robb (aka Nora Roberts). I have been a huge fan of Nora since I accidentally discovered books under both pen names on the very same day and I had absolutely NO idea they were the same person!

That was back in 2008 and since then I have read a countless of her books and still have at least another 100 to catch up with. To say Nora is prolific is the understatement of the year. I like to think I work hard, but Lord only knows how she manages such an awesome outpouring.

Seduction In Death is book 13 in her ongoing In Death series (romantic suspense set in the 2050s) which now runs to the massive number of 55 (56 coming in September). Before you give up trying this series because you're thinking you'll never catch up, let me stress that ALL the books can be read as stand-alone stories (I discovered the series with book 7). Having said that, I recommend you start with Naked In Death (book 1), if possible, just so you can enjoy the full journey of the hero and heroine, Roarke and Eve.

To say these two are probably one of the best romance couples ever created is not melodramatic! Their chemistry singes the pages and they are a duo of such force that readers never tires of them and with each book, I can't wait to see what Ms. Roberts does next with these characters.

Seduction In Death is a page-turning romantic suspense following Roarke and Eve as they chase down a heinous duo intent on drugging and raping young women under the guise of staged seduction. It is a great book, not one of my favourites, but still brilliant! If only I could plot as Nora does, my career would be complete...try this series today!

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