Where is Emma Butler's Life Plan? New release from Julia Wilmot...

Blurb: Emma Butler doesn’t know it but she is about to get bit more angelic help than she was banking on. Someone has messed up, or have they?

It appears that Emma is about to be ‘recalled’ to heaven but has completed none of the tasks she had set herself for this life time. They must be completed before she is recalled and time is running out. Arch Angel Gregory decides to take over. He will be her Guardian Angel to ensure it all gets done.

There’s a lot to do and a very short time to do it in. Gregory is determined that it will all be completed by hook or by crook. But where does that leave free will and what about Jack who has been chosen to be Emma’s love interest? How will this impact him? Jack and Emma have no idea what is going on, but it’s not going to be plain sailing.


‘Right, Anthony.’ He had made a decision and now his speech was fast and confident.
‘The order in which the events will take place will be as follows: job loss, meet new lover, fire in house, car accident - non fatal, lose new lover, offered new job, die in plane crash, maybe on the way to interview.’
He trolled out the events as though he was placing an order for a take away. One lost job, one helping of new lover, one medium rare fire, one small side portion of traffic accident, not too hot, and on second thoughts hold the lover.   Anthony could immediately see a problem brewing. He spoke tentatively,
 ‘Archangel Gregory, there are more than three bad events in the list you have just read out. We are going to have a problem with this.’
Gregory was hardly listening as he continued to scan the life plan for anything he might have missed.
‘What?’ he mumbled inattentively.
‘Well,’ Anthony continued, with more emphasis in his voice which he hoped would improve his chances of being listened to.
‘It’s rule 276b sub section 25 paragraph 4, “bad things happen in threes.” We will have to get special dispensation to increase the number, especially in such a short amount of time.’
Gregory looked at him for a moment taking in the implications of what he had said.  A dispensation could usually only be given by GOD, but that would necessitate exposing the full extent to which this case had been allowed to go horribly wrong. GOD very rarely allowed bad things to happen in groups larger than three anyway.  Gregory decided that there was no choice but to go ahead with his plan. The main thing was not to miss the recall date. That would really put the cat among the pigeons. 
‘Consider your dispensation granted,’ Gregory said clearly, and with a slight flurry of his feathers showed the full extent of his magnificent wingspan to underline, should it need underlining, his authority.
Anthony had his doubts about whether Gregory had the authority to give this dispensation but he had no doubts about the size of his wingspan and that was what seemed to matter at the moment.
‘Right,’ mumbled Anthony, eyes downcast so as not to give away his misgivings,
‘Well, we will get on to it straight away in that case, if you’re sure.....’ He trailed off. 
‘We will have to find the boyfriend first.’
Gregory continued, ignoring the obvious misgivings that Anthony was exhibiting. Romances usually have to be planned months in advance and involve a great many so-called coincidences coming together at the same time to ensure that two life plans with compatible details are matched up to everybody’s satisfaction. 
‘We don’t really need to take the usual trouble Anthony as they aren’t destined to be together forever, only for the week, and then they will split up before she meets her timely recall. Just enough so that it shows on the file that she has ‘loved and lost’ as they say. We just need to be able to tick all the boxes, nothing too fancy.’
Somewhere close at hand and at the furthest reaches of the universe GOD tutted. He liked fancy.


About Julia Wilmot:

Julia Wilmot began her exploration of the spiritual life as a teenager at school. She was fortunate to meet a wonderful family who all practised Transcendental Meditation (TM) and her future was set. At the age of 15 Julia learnt TM and felt she had found her path in life. She was so sure that this path was the only one for her that she decided not to go to University and study law as she had previously planned but to devote herself to teaching TM and working within the charity that teaches the technique.

At 20, Julia was one of the founding members of a 300 people strong TM community in Skelmersdale, Lancashire and at 28 Julia became the Centre Chairman of the largest teaching centre for TM in Europe, which was based in Central London. Teaching Transcendental Meditation to people from all walks of life.

Julia began this novel in 1995 but it remained in a drawer for many years. She came across it again in the early 2000s and fitting in with becoming a mother in 2002 it took until 2015 to finish it.

Julia currently focusses her attention on her writing, blogging and looking after her family. Forty years on and she still practises TM, as do her husband and son and they live in the Chilterns in Buckinghamshire, UK.



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