Welcome historical romance writer, Christine Elaine Black...

Hi, Christine! So glad to have you here :) I am excited to learn more about your latest release because I am considering writing a romance around the Tudor times and haven't a clue where to start. I've downloaded your book so expect to hear from me once I get to it, lol! On with the interview...

Rachel: Thanks a million for having me as a guest on your blog today. It’s a pleasure to be here. 

1)  Who is your favourite author and why? One of my favourites is Pauline Gedge, a Canadian author. I discovered her about ten years ago while browsing books. Pauline writes Egyptian historical fiction that is so easy to read and captivating that I went on to read all of her books. She brings her characters to life brilliantly and is an inspiration to me as a writer.

2)  When did you first consider yourself a writer? When I finished my first novel I considered myself a writer. I thought I had a darn good story. I plan to publish that first one next year. It’s a saga that I love very much.

3)  Describe your writing space? Basically I write in the family-room of my home, on a large screen mac computer. Nice view of the garden. 

4)  What are you reading now? I’m reading the Bernard Cornwell Viking series. 

5)  How many books have you written? I’ve written around eight complete books. Which is your favourite? The favourite changes depending on my mood and what I’m currently writing. Strange, but I love them all in their own way.

6)  What comes first, plot or characters? Tough question! I love a good plot and complex characters—how does one choose? They go together in my mind. But if I have to choose, I’ll say plot.

7)  Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? I switch gears if I’m a bit burned out by a project. Not really writer’s block but sometimes I need a breather to re-focus.

8)  What do you like to do when you’re not writing? The thing I love to do is spend time with my daughter, and help with her musical theatre group. I assist with costumes for the productions, so in a way I’m still creating characters but in a physical setting as opposed to a virtual one. We sing a lot of show tunes in my house. We watch old movies and some new ones too. JJ

9) What’s next for you? After that comes my contemporary novella about an undercover agent and her “handsome assignment”. Details coming to my blog and website soon.

A York woman and a Lancaster man are forced into a marriage contract to please King Henry VII.
Blanche Langley is swept into King Henry VII's ambitious maneuvers to secure the throne. Tensions flare as a plot to overthrow the king is discovered.

York forces gather to make one last effort to win the throne. Will Blanche betray her king, and her husband, Giles Beaufort?


I heard a commotion at the far end of the hall as my household men jostled a group of strangers dressed in riding clothes stained with mud. My immediate thought was to rush out of the hall to my rooms but as head of the house at Langley mansion I must deal with the arrival of newcomers. The steward talked with hasty gestures designed to delay the men, but they pushed past him and strode to the front of the hall.
I rose off my chair, regretting my choice of attire. The men looked roughened by hard riding and I had no wish to attract attention. They paused in a semi circle and shuffled their feet.
“What’s the meaning of this intrusion?”
A young man broke through the line of ruffians, boldly staring at my person. The sight of his proud stance, even though his dress left much to be desired, irritated me.
“We seek the mistress of the house.”
I flinched. He wore the livery of Lancaster and carried a missive bearing an official seal sending a shudder through my bones.
“You carry a message for Lady Langley?”
The young man held the parchment tightly. “It must be delivered in person.”
I dreaded the content of the letter. King Henry had the power to remove me from my home and pass ownership to another noble, driving me into destitution.
“Follow me, if you will.” We moved through the passageway leading to my father’s private room, used for dealing in matters of our estate. My steward discouraged the others from following and I faced my unwelcome guest with impatience.
“I am Lady Langley.”
My hand reached for the letter but he eyed me dubiously and refused to hand over the message.
“I seek the mistress of Langley. The woman betrothed to baron Somerset.” The strength and timbre of the voice belied his years, and cloaked in confidence his bearing held effortless grace. Steel gray eyes met mine without a shred of humility.
“Give me the message.” His hesitation irritated me into sharp speech, a thing I did when vexed by servants. “Now, damn you!” I tore open the missive and read it twice before laughing in contempt.
“Somerset is reported dead. I can no more marry him than I can marry Richard of England.”
“You are Lady Langley?” The cheeky lout stared at me with a curious quirk on his lips.
“I am Blanche Langley, mistress of this house.”
“Indeed,” he mused.
“The king orders me to marry the baron of Somerset within the month. Does he not know the man died?” I shrugged in confusion.
“I am Giles Beaufort, heir to Somerset.”

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1 comment

  1. Rachel, Thanks for having me on your blog today and even more thanks for buying my book. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Tudor times are fascinating and I think you'd enjoy writing about them.
    Christine Elaine :):)
