Welcome fellow Superromance author, Emmie Dark...

Hi Emmie! So excited to have you visit from Australia today :) I have your latest, JUST FOR TODAY... on my Kindle and will let you know how much I enjoyed it as soon as it gets to the top of my reading list. SO many books!! Really looking forward to get to know you better, let's get started...

1)  Who is your favourite author and why?

It’s really hard for me to chose only one! I love my fellow Aussie SuperRomance authors: Sarah Mayberry and Joan Kilby – I read their every release. I like Victoria Dahl’s funny/spicy small town tales and I have a shelf full of Susan Elizabeth Phillips books. Oh, it’s stressful even just choosing that many!

2)  When did you first consider yourself a writer?

What an interesting question! I’m not sure that there was ever a “moment” as such. I guess maybe it was the first time someone I didn’t know read and praised my writing. I haven’t yet seen someone reading my book on a plane or public transport – although who knows, maybe they’re reading it on and e-reader and I just don’t know!

3)  Describe your writing space?

Hmmm. Well I have two. I have an office. The office is where all the “official stuff” gets done: editing, revisions, emails, website, blog posts. It’s a pretty typical office, although it has (not surprisingly) a huge wall of bookshelves. But the actual writing? That usually happens in bed, first thing in the morning. I prop myself up on a pile of pillows (including the all-important lower back support), with my laptop and a cup of tea and type away. I have been known to spend several hours this way, but usually it’s only a couple of hours, then I get on with the other tasks of the day.

4)  What are you reading now?

Right this minute I’m reading Sarah Mayberry’s February SuperRomance “The Other Side of Us”. I’ve also just started the latest Victoria Dahl novel. And I’m very slowly reading the first in Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” graphic novel series.

5)  How many books have your written?  Which is your favourite?

Just For Today is my fourth. And asking for a favourite is a bit like asking a parent to name their favourite child! But right now Just For Today is my favourite – I think Sean is my favourite hero.

6)  What comes first, plot or characters?

For me – characters. I tend to think up these two people and some of the details of their lives, the issues and challenges they face, and then think, “Now, what fun can I get these two into?”

7)  Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?

I’m in two minds as to whether or not writer’s block exists. Certainly there are times when I feel less “in the mood” to write, but the discipline of being a writer is that you sit down and do it anyway. That said, I have also had a few periods where I haven’t had any writing projects on the go and have struggled to motivate myself. Thankfully that’s never lasted more than a few weeks.

8)  What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I like to be busy! I still work full time and I also fulfill a couple of volunteer roles. In all my spare time (ha!) I like nothing more than to see a movie or catch some live music. There are so many amazing Australian musicians around right now.

9)  Tell us about your latest book?

Just For Today... is the story of Sean and Jess. Dean is an author of supernatural horror novels and Jess is a recently divorced vet. Sean is that rare breed of rockstar-style novelist, with passionate fans and a huge twitter following and serious Peter Pan complex. Jess is still licking her wounds from her marriage break-up and convinces herself that one night with the delicious Sean might just kick-start her back into the dating world. Of course it doesn’t turn out to be as simple as all that!

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10) What’s next for you?

I’m just putting the finishing touches to a follow up to my recent e-novella “Spellbound” that came out with Destiny Romance in March. The new novella is set in the same slightly twisted reality as Spellbound and is just as hot and spicy! It will be out later this year, so stay tuned!


After years of writing press releases, employee newsletters and speeches for CEOs and politicians – none of which included any kind of kissing – Emmie Dark finally took to her laptop to write what she wanted to write. She was both amazed and delighted to discover that what came out was sexy, noble heroes who found themselves crossing paths with strong, determined heroines. And plenty of kissing.
Emmie’s overnight success has taken about five years to achieve. She began fiddling around with story ideas when the urge to write fiction became overwhelming. In July 2011 she sold her first book to Harlequin SuperRomance.
“Cassie’s Grand Plan” was released in March 2012 and her second SuperRomance, “In His Eyes,” was released in August 2012.
Emmie lives in Melbourne, Australia, and she likes red lipstick, chardonnay,  sunshine, driving fast, rose-scented soap and a really good cup of tea. Like, a really good cup of tea. She’s particularly fussy about it, and has been known to pack her own teabags when she travels. Most members of her family are too scared to make her a cuppa, in case they get it wrong.
Like to get in touch?
Email her at emmie@emmiedark.com or find her on Twitter or Facebook.

1 comment

  1. I love your work Emmy, I think Sean was my favourite hero so far as well. Then again, I'll reserve judgment until the Spellbound follow up!
