Ooh, how I love a good Victorian...

Or a bad one! The new villain in the book I am writing as we speak is as horrible a man as you could possibly meet - I LOVE writing his scenes, LOL!

I have just passed the third-way mark of my latest Victorian romance which is the second book of a two-book contract I signed in the summer with Kensington. The two books are linked through a secondary character becoming my heroine in my current work in progress.

The words are going quite well....most of the time, but I still haven't got a good handle on the characters as I'd like. They are far more complex than I originally thought. We'll have to see how things turn out!


In the meantime, if you are hankering for some Victorian pleasure before my Kensington release "The Seduction of Emily" in April 2013, why not grab yourself a copy of my short novella, "Love's Debt" or my full-length novel, "The Arrival of Lily Curtis". Here's the Amazon links for both my UK and US readers - enjoy!

Love's Debt



The Arrival of Lily Curtis



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