Welcome Crimson Rose author, Kristina Knight!

I am very excited to have Kristina as my guest today - we met online a few weeks ago and have been chatting via Facebook and other groups since. She is funny, lovely and generous with her experience. In fact, she's as smiley in this photograph as I imagine her, lol!

Welcome, Kristina - I am looking forward to learning more about you and your work. Let's get started!
  1. 1) Who is your favourite author and why? â€“ I have a lot and I read them all for very different reasons. If I want a comfort read, nine times out of ten I turn to Nora Roberts. She has a way of weaving characters that pushes me right into the story. If I want a silly, fun read, it's Janet Evanovish. If I want a good suspense, it's Joanne Fluke or Jayne Ann Krentz. 
  1. 2) When did you first consider yourself a writer? – When my editor called with an offer to buy my first book! I've been a freelance writer (magazines, newspapers) since 2005, so I considered myself a journalist…but there is a difference in the two for me. For me writer means fiction and that's the day it all sank in.
  1. 3) Describe your writing space? – I have an old, ginormous desk that my father-in-law rescued from his newspaper office when they were moving spaces. He gave it to my grandfather-in-law and when he passed away, I volunteered to keep it in the family. LOL. I love the family history that comes with it and at almost 6 feet in length, there is plenty of room for my computer, printer, pens, pencils, collages, radio…and the plethora of other 'stuff' that decides to call my desk home. The desk, by the way, takes up most of what used to be our sitting room.
  1. 4) What are you reading now? – I just finished The Petrov Proposal by Maisey Yates (Another of my favorite authors) and I have a slew of new books clamoring for a little reader love. I haven't decided which is going to get the pick-up just yet. Give me til about 3 this afternoon. 
  1. 5) How many books have your written?  Which is your favourite? – What a Texas Girl Wants is my first published book, so it will always have a special place in my heart…but my favorite book (so far!) is my second book, The Saint's Devilish Deal, which will be out this fall. I fell head over heels for my not-so-saintly Saint…
  1. 6) What comes first, plot or characters? – Usually characters. Getting the plot, emotional and growth arcs down is the hardest part for me. Once that's down though, I can write very fast.
  1. 7) Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? – No. I don't believe in writer's block; in my experience the 'block' is your subconscious telling you that there is a problem with the book. I might take a break for an afternoon, to figure out what the issue is, but I don't allow myself to wallow in it. Because one day of writer's 'block' can turn into a week and a month and then you haven't written anything for years and years... 
  1. 8) What do you like to do when you’re not writing? – I attempt to sew and quilt and I like to pretend I'm a good cook. But all too often the days I'm not writing are spent poolside with an ice-cold Coca-Cola in my hand.

  1. 9) Tell us about your latest book? – What a Texas Girl Wants is a reunion/marriage of convience book. Kathleen Witte is a down-to-earth girl. She has to be, with the family ranch on the verge of success. After seven months of keeping it all together by swearing off men, however, Kathleen needs a bit of fun in the sun. Waking up with a husband she can’t remember isn’t how she planned to blow off steam.
The last thing Jackson Taylor wants in his life is a down-to-earth girl. He has four weeks of freedom in which to find his birth mother. He’s done well avoiding commitment until now, so when he wakes up on a Mexican beach with Kathleen his first reaction is curiosity. When he spies the matching wedding rings on their left hands curiosity turns to concern.
Neither Jackson nor Kathleen want to stay married, but when her family shows up, they have no choice. Once back in Texas, however, can they keep this all-business marriage from turning into an all-consuming love?

10) What’s next for you? – My second book, The Saint's Devilish Deal is set to come out in October, and I'm busy writing two more books for my publisher, Crimson Romance.

Wow, busy, busy, busy! Loving the fact you are a Nora Roberts fan, Kristina - I am in awe of her books, absolutely love them :) Love the sound of What a Texas Girl Wants - wishing you oodles of sales!

Over to you, guys - comments??


  1. Thanks for having me over today, Rachel! Nora is an absolute favorite and I'm in complete awe of her - she must have the BEST work ethic EVER!!!

  2. Great interview Kristina and now I'm dreaming of your desk. LOL.

  3. Lovely interview, ladies.

  4. Great interview Kristi....I have your book on my Nook and I can't wait to find some time to dive in and turn the pages. I know it'll be a good read!

  5. Great interview! I want that desk!

  6. Completely agree about Nora. I discovered her (book) at a spa in Mexico years ago and became an instant fan. I just finished your book, Kristi, and am heading over to Amazon to give it a many-star review. Very fun read and loved the main characters. Can't wait to check out your next book. I'm a sucker for unsaintly men! At least, in fiction.

    1. Yes, in fiction the badder he better, Patrice... :) I'm thrilled you enjoyed my Texas Girl!!

  7. Nice interview, Kristina. It's amazing how one desk becomes a desk and an additional table, till they both fill up ...and what then? Good luck with the book/s!

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I'm never trading his desk in...althought I *do* sometimes need a little more space!! Maybe I'll move it to a corner and add another side to it....

  8. Desk envy, I love it! I think they may have done physical layout of one of the sections at one time, Margie!

  9. Add me to the lottery for Kristi's desk! Good interview, and I love your attitude toward writer's block.

  10. Thanks, Liz! I'll add you to the lottery, but just like the Powerball, you're chances are...slim. ;)
