I am happy to welcome Jenna McClure to my site today as we haven't spoken very much via The Wild Rose Press loops. Over the five years I have been writing for, and loving TWRP I have made some great friends and love making more. So over to you, Jenna! Hope you enjoy your time here...
1) Did you set any goals for 2011?
Yes, to get published! That goal has been accomplished, so now I guess I should focus on 2012, right? My goal for next year is to finish my second book and I’m only on Chapter 2, so I guess I should get moving on that…I am reading a lot of unread books on my shelves, however, so that counts as research, doesn’t it?? LOL
2) Favourite author/s & book/s?
I love Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. Each time the next book came out, I had to read all the previous ones to catch up on the backstory, so I’ve read the first book at least seven times. Sharon Kay Penman is a brilliant historian, so my shelves are crowded with her releases too. I’ll read any good romance book, but my favorite authors are Kresley Cole, Lisa Kleypas, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss (her earlier books), Keri Arthur, Sherilyn Kenyon, Lora Leigh, Nora Roberts…and the list goes on. I bet some of my fellow TWRP authors will join this list once I get my Kindle and start downloading books…

3) Tell us about your latest release?
My first novel, Animal Attraction, came about from a random idea born of my early vegetarian days. It was back when I was much more passionate about it and animal rights/welfare, so I was determine to write a book with a message. And since I read so much romance, it naturally had to be of that genre. Sex sells, ya know?!
4) Tease us with a blurb/short except
Here’s an excerpt that is not available anywhere except in the book…Emma has just finished giving a presentation during which she promised to buy a drink for the person who knew the speaker of her quote…
Adam offered his arm. ”Shall we get that drink you’re going to buy me?”
“What drink?”
“The drink you owe me for winning your contest. It was Arthur Schopenhauer you quoted.”
Emma gaped at him. “How in the hell did you know that? Were you a philosophy major in college or something?”
“Or something.” He reached out, tucked a length of hair behind her ear. “So what about it?” His voice had gotten husky.
Emma shivered at his nearness. “Can’t I just send you a six-pack or a gift certificate to the local liquor store?”
Adam chuckled. “No, that wouldn’t satisfy me. I want to have a drink with you.”
“Why? We don’t like each other, remember?”
“I was hoping we could start over again, get to know each other a little better. Then maybe we’d find out we do like each other after all.”
Emma stared at him, trying to discern if there was an ulterior motive in his answer, but his eyes were open and honest.
She took a deep breath. “Fine. But Pete and Chad are coming too. Just in case you decide to try anything.”
“Well, if I wasn’t thinking about it earlier, I am now. Thanks for the suggestion. Can I go ahead and get your permission now, in case I do try something?”
Emma rolled her eyes at him. “Why would you bother asking when you know what the answer is going to be?”
Adam nodded. “Right, right. How stupid of me.” He leaned down, his mouth brushing her ear. “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission anyway.”
5) What is your favourite attribute of the hero and heroine?
Sense of humor. I have a sarcastic, dry, witty sense of humor, so it tends to really come out in my writing in my heroines. I make note of and tape all the funny things my friends say so I can use them in future books. I also try to remember lines from movies, past conversations or by eavesdropping, and twist or change them to suit my scenes.
6) Tell me where you write?
My sage green recliner, sadly. I have to move the cats first and shake out my (their) blanket to get the cat hair off, but it’s comfortable. And it rocks too! I’d love to say I write at my antique writing desk in front of the window that overlooks either my mountain estate or my beachfront property, but that would be complete fiction. Maybe I’ll get there someday…
7) Where would you like your career to be in 5 years?
I’d like to be a Vice President. Oh wait, you meant my writing career, didn’t you? LOL . Hmmm, then I’d have to say I would like to have a few more books published and actually make enough money from writing to be able to pay for all the books I buy. That’s not too much to ask, is it??
8) Where can we find you?
www.jennammcclure.com, including links to buy. Other links are here:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jenna-McClure/141729892552797
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JennaMcClureRW
Thanks for being here, Jenna - it was really nice getting to know you better!! Jenna is waiting to hear your questions and comments... :)
Welcome everyone! Looking forward to your comments and questions!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenna and Rachel,
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you both!: )
Now, I've finished (and won - yeeha!!) Nanowrimo, I can finish reading Animal Attraction. I only got to chapter two before I realised I was never going to win the challenge if I kept reading other people's work! Strange how that happens ; )
But, already I can recommend everyone to go out and pick up a copy. I'm already loving the quirky Emma and hot as anything Adam.
Oh - this second book you're writing - have you included a greyhound as a character Jenna? I'd love to read about your boy in there somewhere : )
Hi LaVerne,
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing and winning! That's great! And thanks for recommending AA - I'm glad you like it!I have not yet written in a greyhound, but I will, I promise. I'm just not sure what to name him/her...any ideas?
Fun excerpt ~ Great cover. I love those sarcastic characters. TBR for sure.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mackenzie! Sarcastic characters are fun to write, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you here, ladies and huge congrats on winning Nano, LaVerne! That's an amazing acheivement!
ReplyDeleteRachel x