Today, I have Wild Rose Press author, Grace Hood joining me. I must admit, I have not read any of Grace's work but will rectifity that by downloading Coming Undone once we are finished here. Sounds like a great read! Let's get started with the interview...
1) Who is your favourite author and why?
Hi Rachel, thanks for inviting me to your blog.
Gosh, my favourite author changes with the latest book I’ve read. I loved Teresa Madeiros’ Goodnight Tweetheart. Fabulous premise and an ending that makes you feel all warm inside. My go-to for historical romance is Terri Brisbin. For something hot and different, and I mean hawt, Cara Carnes is smokin’!
2) When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I said “I’m a writer” out loud to friends and neighbors when I sold my first book, Where There’s Heat, from TWRP. Until then only my immediate family and best friend knew, along with my online writing buddies of course.
3) Describe your writing space?
I sit at my grandmother’s old drop-front desk in the back corner of our dining room. I have two windows, one faces a giant Maple tree, and the other faces the back garden where my hens tear up anything that’s not fenced off.
4) What are you reading now?
Right now I’m re-reading craft books. I find that’s best when I’m writing. If I read fiction I can’t help but compare my writing to the published work, and that’s neither productive nor healthy.
5) How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?
I’ve written about a dozen stories, half full-length and half novella. They’re in various stages of polished brilliance, except for the first one, which will remain buried deep on my hard drive until the end of time. I’ve sold two novellas, the second of which was released on November 16 by TWRP, titled Coming Undone. My favourite is usually the one I’m currently working on, in this case a Victorian set spicy historical.
6) What comes first, plot or characters?
The characters come first, at least the bare bones. I flesh them out as I discover the plot. I’m a pantser/plotter hybrid so I write a few chapters, pause to figure out where I’m going, then write a few more chapters. Along the way I learn what makes my characters tick, and what really pisses them off.
7) Do you ever suffer from writer’s block?
I don’t think of it as writer’s block, but I do get stuck on occasion. Then I pull out Donald Maass’ Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook and do a few exercises. That usually gets my muse juices flowing.
8) What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When am I not writing? LOL Well, I love to cook and bake, and really enjoy trying new recipes. I read new cookbooks cover to cover. We put in a vegetable garden every spring and I like to putter around with that. Our sweet peppers did really well this year. I have enough frozen that I doubt I’ll have to buy any all winter. The beets were a disaster.
9) Tell us about your latest book?
Coming Undone was released November 16th from The Wild Rose Press. Here’s the blurb:
Career-minded Lara doesn't find forty all that fabulous. Her carefully plotted path to success is on target and she isn't about to let romance derail her. Except the hot, new advertising whiz steers her libido into overdrive.
Ryan lives to shake companies up and do whatever it takes to meet his goals. But the saucy affirmation-chanting minx challenging him awakens a more carnal desire.
A battle of wills may be what she wants, but he intends to push her boundaries until her inhibitions come undone.
10) What’s next for you?
I recently pitched two stories at the New Jersey “Put Your Heart in a Book” Conference, and got requests, *squee*. I’m putting the final polish on those stories before sending them out into the big, scary world.
The link to the buy page is:
The shortened version is:
My meager, ignored website is:
I’ll give away a free download to one lucky commenter.
Thank you, Rachel, for letting me visit with you and your readers today. I’ll be happy to hang out and answer any questions. And I’ll award a free download of Coming Undone to one lucky commenter!
The pleasure is all mine, Grace! I love the sound of your spicy Victorian historical - just my sort of thing. Fabulous. Huge good luck with your pitch submissions too! Loads going on...
Good morning, Rachel. Thanks for letting me hang out with you today. I'll be in and out with appointments and other glamourous stuff, but will check in regularly. First things first, though - coffee.
ReplyDeleteLovely interview ladies!...loved learning more about you Grace. Love the premise of your new book and am thinking of giving my nook a new friend...the older woman/younger man story appeals to me. I've never read one, but sounds like something I'd like to read about.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your release and also with the requests you've had. Very exciting news!
Hey, Lu! Love the interview! Your writing space sounds lovely. *sigh* I miss the color of the maple leaves ... but not the cold of Maine! Best of luck with your new release!
ReplyDeleteHi, Lu,
ReplyDeleteSay hi to the girls for me ;-)
Good luck with the new release--and the pitch requests!!!
Hi Grace, you are such a busy lady! Do you know that song? 'Getting to know you, getting to know all about you, getting to like you,....' It sort of feels like that.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your pitch requests and congrats on the new release!
ReplyDeleteChristine, being in the "older woman" category myself, writing a love story involving a younger man was a lot of fun. So was searching the internet for inspiring photos, hehe
ReplyDeleteHi Nina, don't you have maple trees down there? I bet you don't miss raking all those darn pretty leaves.
ReplyDeleteHi Judi, the girlz will have a gift for you when you return.
ReplyDeleteNancy, one of the things I love about the writer community is how many people I've "met" and gotten to know. Even if it's only via the internet, I've made many good friends.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Georgie. As soon as this release week is over, I'll be back to writing.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, Grace :) And I didn't know about your writing space - as Nina said, it sounds lovely :)
ReplyDeleteHey Janet, if I ever tidy my desk, I might post a picture on my blog.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for my beauty sleep. After plugging numbers into a random number generator, the winner of a free download of Coming Undone is...Nancy Jardine! Congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Rachel for letting me visit your lovely blog today. I had a fabulous time!!