IT'S GUEST AUTHOR SATURDAY!! Please welcome contemporary romance author Terry Segan...


Hi Terry! I am so happy to welcome you to my blog for the first time and really hope you enjoy your time here. I'm wishing you lots of sales and success with your latest release THE JELLY BEAN JUMP PROJECT - such a fabulous title! Let's get started with my questions...

What was your first job? Did you like or dislike it? Why?

When I was seventeen, I worked at a summer camp as part of the support staff and loved it! The camp, located in upstate New York, was the same one I spent a two-week session every summer from the age of eight. We lived in tents, hiked a lot, and got to work with the campers. My favorite task was the session I got assigned as the extra staff person on two and three-day canoe trips on the Delaware River. Now, I still love to tent camp, but there better be an air mattress involved!

Do you have a pet peeve? If so what is it?

I’d have to say it’s hotels that place only two regular coffee packets in my room (for two people). While they also include two decafs (is that really an option?), sending me out into the world not properly caffeinated has the potential to go horribly wrong.

Do you spend more time researching or writing?

I spend more time writing than researching. When I need a specific process or piece of data, I look it up as I go. Since I write fiction, most things I make up. This also eliminates the danger of fact-checkers discovering errors in my writing unless they want to delve into the depths of my imagination—not someplace anyone should wander alone.

Tell me about your book, The Jelly Bean Jump Project, and where you got your inspiration for it?

The majority of my books are mysteries with a paranormal twist. When my publisher, The Wild Rose Press, requested submissions for a new line of novellas entitled Jelly Beans and Spring Things, I chose to submit a romance—with a paranormal twist. In this case, the paranormal aspect is time travel. I like to challenge myself by writing from new angles or perspectives, that’s why I chose to make it a Happily Ever After. Was it difficult not having someone die in the end? Absolutely. But I believe readers will be satisfied with the story I’ve created. As a teaser, here’s the tagline:  Fate drew them together. Will their dream of time travel keep them apart?

How much of your book is realistic?

I’d love to say all of it, but to the best of my knowledge, time travel hasn’t been invented yet. The story begins in the 1950’s, and some of the historical occurrences which the characters encounter as they leap forward in time are accurate. The social interactions of the participants in the project can be found anywhere in a setting of twenty-somethings living and working together.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

To continue writing and publishing as many books as my imagination will allow. When I got laid off from my job three years ago, my husband told me to stay home and write full time. His goal is for me to secure movie rights for one of my books so he can become the worthless layabout he aspires to be. I’d be more than happy to accommodate his dream if the offer ever presents itself! Until then, he’ll have to keep his day job, and I’ll keep typing away while allowing my creative instincts to run wild.

Who is your role model? Why?

I really couldn’t pin that down to one person. My journey as an author has introduced me to several other writers, each with valuable advice and stories to share. Each one of them has helped me to grow as a writer and become better at my craft.

Share one fact about yourself that would surprise people.

I met my husband on-line, and the deal breaker on his profile was ‘you must be comfortable on a motorcycle—either your own or the back of mine.’ Our first date was on his Harley. We’ve been together eight years and have put over 100,000 miles on his Victory Cross Country Tour motorcycle.


 Keira longed to do something amazing with her life. When offered a chance to join a time travel program, she didn’t hesitate. With her soulmate by her side, nothing could be more perfect.

Grayson never believed happiness would find him until he met Keira. Lightning struck twice when both got accepted into The Jelly Bean Jump Project, a time travel experiment. Only a handful of applicants made the cut each year.

One of the requirements—no family ties. Keira and Grayson were alone in the world except for each other. An adventure of a lifetime awaited, until a glitch in the system threatened to tear them apart. Would they walk away from their fantasy or surrender their hearts in exchange?







Terry Segan, originally from Commack, NY, now resides in the desert where she’ll never require an ice scraper or snow shovel again. The beach is her happy place, but any opportunity to travel soothes her gypsy soul. The stories conjured by her imagination while riding backseat on her husband’s motorcycle can be found throughout the pages of her paranormal mysteries. Growing up immersed in sarcastic humor and science fiction movies, Terry’s goals are to cause her readers to laugh out loud, cry with joy, or cower under the covers wondering if the noise under the bed was real or imagined.




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1 comment

  1. Thanks so much for hosting me, Rachel! I enjoyed the visit.
