Welcome Harlequin Blaze author, Regina Kyle...

Hi Regina! It's lovely to welcome you back to my blog and I'm looking forward to catching up with you. Huge congrats on your latest release, TRIPLE TIME! Wishing you lots of success and sales. Let's start your visit with my questions...

1.)          What is your favourite thing about yourself?

Does my hair count? I like my hair. That’s about it physically LOL. But in all seriousness, I think that I’m a loyal friend. I value relationships dearly, and I think that shows in how I treat my friends. I have friends I’ve known since high school, ones from college, ones from the days when my daughter was a professional actress and we were schlepping into New York City every week, ones from the high school robotics program I mentor and, naturally, my writer friends. And I really do treasure them all. I might not see some as many as others, or talk to them as much as I used to, but it’s nice knowing they’re a part of my life, however small.

Of course, if you cross me . . . well, that’s another story, and probably not something I’m so proud of.

2.)          What do you wish you’d known before you started writing?

That’s it’s not just about the writing, no matter how much you want it to be. Yes, the writing comes first, always should and, for me, always will. But unless you have the money to pay others to do it, you also have to set aside some time for things like social media, blogging, maintaining a website and other activities that are necessary to become not just a published author, but a successful one.

3.)          Share a romantic moment in your life.

I think the most romantic moment in my life was probably also one of the funniest, and maybe that’s why I like to mix my romance with humor  so much. It was when my husband proposed to be. We had been in NYC at a Broadway show (no big surprise if you know me at all). After, I wasn’t feeling so well, but future hubby insisted we take a walk in Central Park. As we walked, my head was throbbing and I was getting crankier and crankier, trying to put on my game face. Finally, we came to the statute of Alice in Wonderland near the boat pond (my hubby is a model sailboat racer). I sat on one of the mushrooms, and he popped the question! I was so stunned I didn’t answer for a minute (something he reminds me of to this day LOL). Then , as we were embracing after I finally said “yes,” an artist came up to us and showed us the pencil drawing he was doing as my husband proposed. IT WAS AWFUL! Literally, we looked like stick figures. So bad that hubby and I were both speechless. To this day, we both wish one of us had their wits about them enough to ask to buy it. We’d have hung it somewhere and laughed every time we passed it, for sure.

4.)          Is there one subject you’d never write about as an author? What is it?

I’m not sure there is. I think almost any subject can be tackled if done in the right way. I dealt with issues of dyslexia and domestic violence in Triple Threat. Triple Time has issues of abandonment, abuse, and autism. My next book, Triple Dare, is a little lighter, but even if has some issues involving learning disabilities and neglect.

5.)          Do you have any suggestions to help someone become a better writer? If so, what are they?

Read, read, read, read, read. And then read some more. If you want to write category romance, like I do, read the line you’re targeting. I have over 200 Blaze books on my Nook.

And write. Don’t worry about whether it’s good or not at first, just write. Like Nora Roberts says, you can’t fix a blank page. Take classes, at local colleges or on line from an RWA chapter. And that brings me to another piece of advice: join your local RWA chapter. I wouldn’t be published if it wasn’t from what I learned at mine. I found critique partners and beta readers, listened to workshops and attended conferences. The romance writing community is very supportive. Get out there, get involved, and you’ll find a wealth of resources to help you on your writing journey.

6.)          If you could be the original author for any book, what would it be? Why?

To Kill A Mockingbird, hands down. My favorite book of all time. Harper Lee is a genius. I have mixed feelings about the sequel coming out. I worry it can never, in my mind, live up to the original.

7.)          What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

Not much. I was a pretty boring kid. My dad was principal of the high school in the town where I grew up. If I even thought about misbehaving, he would have known about it. I saved most of my wild times for when I was in law school, believe it or not. We worked hard, but man, did we party hard, too. Nothing illegal, though. Just drinking and dancing and good old-fashioned 20-something fun.

8.)          If I came to your house for dinner what would you prepare for me? Why?

Maybe something Cajun, like chicken and andouille sausage gumbo or jambalaya, if you don’t mind your food a little on the spicy side. My hubby and I love New Orleans and we love cooking from the cookbooks we got there. Or if it’s summer, some we’d boil up some lobsters from the lobsterman down the street, fresh out of Long Island Sound.

Book Blurb:
How to unravel your straight-laced lover . . .

Gabe Nelson would be a great district attorney, but his public image is too boring to get voters’ attention. Tattoo artist Devin Padilla can help him show off his fun, sexy side, but she needs something in return—Gabe’s legal expertise to track down her missing brother. She’s not his type, but they can’t keep their hands off each other, whether it’s good for his image or not.

At first, Devin thinks she got the easy end of the bargain. Gabe’s the sexiest stuffed shirt in Manhattan, and his kisses practically set her on fire. But every deal has its fine print. As their relationship goes from business to pleasure, Devin realizes this one won’t cost her soul…it’ll just steal her heart.

Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble: http://tinyurl.com/n4tgswa

Author Bio:
         Regina Kyle knew she was destined to be an author when she won a writing contest at age ten with a touching tale about a squirrel and a nut pie. By day, she writes dry legal briefs, representing the state in criminal appeals. At night, she writes steamy romance with heart and humor.

A lover of all things theatrical, Regina lives on the Connecticut coast with her husband, teenaged daughter and two melodramatic cats. When she’s not writing, she’s most likely singing, reading, cooking or watching bad reality television. She’s a member of Romance Writers of America and her local RWA chapter. Triple Tine is her second novel. She is also the author of Triple Threat, the first book in her Art of Seduction series for Harlequin Blaze.

My Links:

Devin ended the call, tossed her phone on the bed next to her and swung her feet onto the floor. The sound of running water told her Gabe was already in the shower, and she licked her lips at the thought of his magnificent, wet nakedness, slick and soapy, ready to play.
Oh, yeah.
She was about to ditch the sheet in favor of some smexy shower action when someone pounded on the door.
No way was that Mateo so quickly. Either someone had the wrong apartment or one of her neighbors needed to borrow something.
“Hang on,” she called. “I’ll be right there.”
She threw on a tank top and shorts, not bothering with anything underneath, and answered the door.
Holly wrapped Devin in a bear hug, her justshowing baby bump grazing Devin’s stomach.
“You’re home.” Devin cast a panicked glance around the apartment, her eyes falling on Gabe’s khakis in a heap by the television, his shirt hanging over the bookshelf, one of his shoes peeking out from under the bed. “Early.”
Holly released her and brushed past through the door. “Nick finished filming ahead of schedule.”
“Where is your handsome husband?” Devin followed, kicking the offending khakis behind the TV and stuffing the shirt between two books. “You’re usually inseparable. Nauseatingly so.”
“His agent’s in town. They’re meeting at Pastis for a business breakfast, and I’ve been meaning to return my spare key to the super.” Holly sank into the armchair in the corner. “Man, I’m beat. I don’t even want to think about what this little bugger’s going to do to me in the third trimester.”
Holly toed off her espadrilles and lifted one foot to massage the arch, and Devin groaned inwardly. She’d never get her friend out now. And it was only a matter of time before Holly noticed the water running in the bathroom. Or Gabe’s loafer, which Devin couldn’t shove under the bed now without rousing suspicion.
Her only option was to come clean, admit she had a guy stashed in the can and get Holly out the door before she figured out it was Gabe. Not that she was embarrassed, but this was so not how she wanted Holly to find out she was boffing her brother.
“Listen, Holls, I’m dying to catch up with you, but I’m kind of in the middle of something right now.” She eyed the bathroom door. As if on cue, the water stopped.
“Ohmigod, you’ve got a man in there.” Holly squealed. “I can’t believe it. The love’emandkick’emtothecurb queen actually let a guy spend the night. Who is it?”
“Just…a guy. We’re keeping it on the downlow.”
“Oh, please,” Holly huffed. “As I recall you practically shouted to an entire coffee shop that I was doing Nick.”
“I promise I’ll tell you. Let me deal with him and I’ll meet you at the deli up the block in ten.” Maybe she could intercept Mateo on the way over and grab her sandwich and coffee.
“Fine, be that way.” Holly slipped on her espadrilles and stood, rubbing her belly. “For now. But I’m warning you, I want to meet this paragon who got you to break your nosleepovers rule. Soon.”
As though they were living in a bad sitcom, the bathroom door creaked open and Gabe stepped out, his hair still wet from the shower and a towel fastened around his waist.
“I heard voices. Is breakfast here?”
“Gabe?” Holly’s mouth fell open and she pressed a hand to her chest.
“Holly.” He hiked up the towel, which had slipped to his hips. “You’re supposed to be in Istanbul.”
Devin shrugged a shoulder and gave her friend a wry smile.


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