I am happy to welcome another Lyrical Press to my blog today because I am so new to Lyrical myself I really enjoy learning more about other people's experiences with them. First of all i have to say, Connie, I ADORE your cover for Past Destinies, it is beautiful.
Let's start, shall we?
Connie, would you tell us a little about Past Destines?
Past Destinies is a time-travel historical romance with a bit of a paranormal twist. It is not erotica, although there is love-making in the book. The book is written around the premise that everyone has a soulmate and in order to feel complete in life they must come together with that person. The paranormal twist comes with Agatha, a demi-god (Think Greek gods) who helps soul mates find each other. My heroine, Elizabeth Gates, lives in 1868. Elizabeth is feisty and independent. She does things like assist with breeding horses and wear men’s clothes but she is conscious of making sure others perceive her as a lady so she doesn’t embarrass her aunt. Elizabeth doesn’t think she needs anyone, let alone a man in her life.
Doug is a doctor turned actor after he saved the life of a movie star who made sure the right people met him. He wants more in his life than fame and fortune. He wants a family and is discouraged that he can’t seem to find the right girl. He’s tired of the Hollywood scene and decides to go back to being just a country doctor when he runs into a mysterious old woman – Agatha. With Agatha’s help, Doug travels to the past where he saves Elizabeth’s life.
As for the rest of the story, there’s an unwanted suitor who won’t give up, a crazy but loving stallion, sweet and steamy love scenes and of course the sappy sweet happy ending.
we read an excerpt?
Sure! This scene is directly after the first kiss between Liz and Doug. I chose it because not only does it show their relationship, it shows the relationship she has with her horse as well, which is an important part of the story.
“Why did you kiss me?” Elizabeth demanded, twisting her hair into a makeshift bun and shoving her hat back on her head as she glared at him.
“I wanted to show you I knew you weren’t a boy,” he said.
“Just because I like kissing you does not give you liberty to make free with my person,” she said.
“You like kissing me, huh?” Doug couldn’t help the huge grin he felt spreading across his face.
“Don’t get excited,” she said wryly, opening the stall with her horse inside. “I like kissing Black, too.” Reaching forward she pulled the big stallion toward her and kissed the middle of his nose. He responded with an affectionate nudge that almost pushed her onto her backside.
“You didn’t just compare kissing me to kissing a horse.” Doug’s mouth dropped open, and he choked back a laugh.
“I did.” He could hear the laughter in her voice. “I’m still not sure which of you is the better kisser.”
“If you expect me to just walk away from a challenge like that you don’t know anything about men.” Doug pulled her back into his arms and tipped her grinning face up to his again.
How did you come up with the idea for Past Destines?
In 1994 I moved to Livermore, Maine and got involved with the Washburn Norlands Living History Museum, first as a volunteer and then as a costumed interpreter. I loved it because when you were there it was almost like you were “living” in the past. The book idea came to me while I was working there. The hardest part was coming up with a good reason for the time travel. I used the area where the Norlands is located as the location of my book, but I took a few liberties and changed a few things that I needed to have for the book but weren’t true to life.
Using the Norlands location as the setting for my books location was my way of honoring the memory of the woman who created the Norlands Living History museum, Ethel “Bille” Gammon, who passed away a few years ago. She loved bringing history to life and I think she’d have been thrilled with the idea of time travel. In a sense that’s what she did for anyone who went through the programs she created at the Norlands. If you’re interested, the link for the Norlands is www.norlands.org . In fact they have “Live In’s” where you can actually go to the Norlands and live in the past. They give you a name of someone who lived in the 1870’s and you go through a weekend of doing the things they did. It’s a lot of fun and I highly recommend the experience to anyone who loves history.
Why did you decide to become an author, and specifically writing romance?
I don’t think it was a conscious decision, I think it’s in my blood. I’ve always had stories running around in my head, waiting to be written. Last year I made the decision to get serious about becoming published and as soon as I did I found others took me seriously as well. Now that I’ve made that decision I feel satisfied in a way that I never have before. Writing fills a need for me like cooking or gardening might do for someone else.
I decided to write romance because I love a happy ending! Seriously, who wants to read a book that ends badly or the guy doesn’t’ get the girl? What’s the point of that? I’ve rewritten the ending of Romeo and Juliet because I hated the way it ends. Love the story, hate the ending. Romance is meant to end on a happy note. So what if real life doesn’t always happen like that? Isn’t that why we read? Do get away from real life? Besides, wouldn’t’ it be great if we could all have our happy endings?
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to learn more about my books or to order, please visit:
www.constanceruthclark.blogspot.com or www.lyricalpress.com
Thanks for having me Rachel!